One of the finest cigars
one can come across in a Cigars Shop is Cuban cigars. Most
cigar rollers are female in Cuba and are also handmade; hence they have still
held the esteem there. Smoking a Cuban cigar
means not gulping the smoke.
means not gulping the smoke.
Smoking a Cuban cigar needs some of finest etiquette as its tang. Never relight a cigar as it kills the beauty of zest and smell. Using our own lighter and not of others is another good sign. Also let a cigar pass on of its own instead of crushing it in the tray.
The vital conduct of cutting and lightning the cigar
and approach of sharing, acquiring them at The Cigar Shop and gifting them to
others and vice-versa should be maintained along with steps of choosing an
appropriate humidor. Passing a Cuban cigar to other after knocking the cigar
once is the best etiquette one can have.
A special care should be taken of is about the aroma of smoking which can be inconvenient to others too. Also new laws have been strategic for smoking and smoking zones are set up along with that. Asking courteously about permission to smoke a Cuban cigar or any cigar like a RomeoY Julieta Cigar proves your love towards smoking.
Like all other cigars that smokers appreciate and
relish on most delightful food with most favorable wine, one should definitely
go for Cuban cigar keeping in view its etiquettes while smoking it along
delicious meals proving its worth.