For those cigar aficionados looking for cigar sampler deals a cigar company is now offering a five-cigar rocky patel the edge sampler exclusively to new customers.Customers will get a 70% savings off the manufacturer’s suggested retail price and is limited to one sampler per cigar fan.
This deal is solely for the online customer as it is not available at either of the cigar shop locations and is only offered while supplies last. Interested customers need to act fast to cash in on this unbelievable deal, as the offer ends soon. Included in this Rocky Patel sampler, customers will receive a Vintage 1990 Toro, an Ocean Club Toro, a Sun Grown Toro, The Edge Maduro Toro, and The Edge Corojo Toro, some of the most prominent cigars Rocky Patel has to offer. Holt’s Cigar Company will ship these products in a timely fashion at no additional cost and all cigars come with the Holt’s guarantee of satisfaction. While browsing the website, there is an assortment of accessories, including cutters, cases, and humidors to make the most of the cigar smoking experience and keep the cigars fresh. And they have other varieties like the Panter Cigars.
Once customers get a taste of this deal, they can return to view the weekly specials, hump day deals and browse some of the top cigar brands Holt’s Cigar Company possesses for its valued customers. With an abundance of rare and premium cigars available at low prices, Holt’s offers Ashton, Arturo Fuente, La Aroma de Cuba, and Padron, amongst others, providing a wide variety for both the serious cigar smoker to the most novice smokers. For customers living in the Philadelphia area, they can stop in the Townsend Road location in Northeast Philadelphia to enjoy a premier smoke lounge, open until 10 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays.
This deal is solely for the online customer as it is not available at either of the cigar shop locations and is only offered while supplies last. Interested customers need to act fast to cash in on this unbelievable deal, as the offer ends soon. Included in this Rocky Patel sampler, customers will receive a Vintage 1990 Toro, an Ocean Club Toro, a Sun Grown Toro, The Edge Maduro Toro, and The Edge Corojo Toro, some of the most prominent cigars Rocky Patel has to offer. Holt’s Cigar Company will ship these products in a timely fashion at no additional cost and all cigars come with the Holt’s guarantee of satisfaction. While browsing the website, there is an assortment of accessories, including cutters, cases, and humidors to make the most of the cigar smoking experience and keep the cigars fresh. And they have other varieties like the Panter Cigars.
Once customers get a taste of this deal, they can return to view the weekly specials, hump day deals and browse some of the top cigar brands Holt’s Cigar Company possesses for its valued customers. With an abundance of rare and premium cigars available at low prices, Holt’s offers Ashton, Arturo Fuente, La Aroma de Cuba, and Padron, amongst others, providing a wide variety for both the serious cigar smoker to the most novice smokers. For customers living in the Philadelphia area, they can stop in the Townsend Road location in Northeast Philadelphia to enjoy a premier smoke lounge, open until 10 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays.