One of the country’s best cigar deals retailer of online cigars, providing smokers best selection
of cigars, expert customer service, best prices, and a wide variety of special
offers on cigars and ways to buy cigars is launching a party for CAO Cigars.
The company also has a world-class retail store that gives
local smokers access to the same cigars and deals that are available on the
company’s website and stock premium cigars like the Oliva Cigars. On September 20, the company hosted a launch party for the
brand new CAO Flathead cigar. The event featured an appearance from CAO Master
Blender Rick Rodriguez, as well as the introduction of the new menu available
at Famous’ Leaf Restaurant.
The CAO Flathead launch party was a success by all accounts.
The company reported the party as one of their most-attended cigar events of
the year, with a packed house and a full slate of reservations in the
restaurant. The first 100 attendees of the party received a free CAO Flathead
cigar, and throughout the evening the Leaf Restaurant offered complimentary
samples of appetizers from their new menu as well as a free Scotch Whiskey
tasting. There were also discounts and free bonus specials on CAO Flathead
cigars and the rest of the CAO cigar catalog. The event also featured a live
band playing classic rock covers to a large audience on the restaurant’s patio
Cigar enthusiasts who attended the event were treated to a
rare chance to personally meet CAO’s Master Blender Rick Rodriguez. Rodriguez
is responsible for creating new blends for the nationally-acclaimed brand, and
is well known within the cigar smoking community for his innovative work.
Rodriguez was friendly and accessible, happily handing out his newest creation
while personally speaking with a large number of attendees to answer their
questions about cigars.
“We couldn’t be happier with the success of this party” said
Famous Smoke Shop VP of Operations Michael Vandenstockt. “Our store was packed,
people were laughing, smoking, eating, and drinking. We got numerous comments
about how much fun everyone had as well, the feedback both on site and via our
social channels was extremely positive. It’s always a pleasure to have Rick
Rodriguez in our shop, I think he’s one of the most passionate and personable
people in our business. We’re glad that everyone had such a great time, and we
look forward to doing many more events like the CAO Flathead cigar launch party
in the future.”