Gurkha Cigars are known to have a status that is clearly distinct from other cigars. With having a name that means fearless soldiers, the Gurkha brand is all set to storm the cigar market. And at present, Gurkha has created a niche for itself. In the 1980s, when most cigars were available at $2-$3 per stick in cigar shops, Gurkha Cigars were selling for $16-$20. On the other hand other cigars are also available in cigar shops for instance the Punch Cigars.
With a steady continued growth over the past three years, Kaizad Hansotia recently sought to introduce a more economical line of cigars into his mix. It hasn't been easy for Gurkha Cigar Group, but it has always been a clear vision aimed at success. With every leap of growth, Gurkha Cigar Group has had to take a half step back before tumbling forward even further. Pushing into the field a force of soldiers ready to take on the world, the company grew quickly only to struggle with heightened demands and physical inventory. Now, the company has taken a grasp on the situation and has decided to continue its growth while focusing on customer relations, satisfaction, and service as well as allowing its inventory to catch up to its success.
This past month Cigar Aficionado rated the 125th XO with a 92, the highest rating for any of the other "Grandes" in its category. Limited Edition Cigars such as the Cellar Reserve (limited to 10,000 boxes produced annually) sold out in less than one week this year after Cigar Journal rated it a 97. In addition, Gurkha continues to blend the world's rarest and most expensive cigar in the HMR (His Majesty's Reserve) with a value over $20,000.00 per box. With accolades such as these already in the bank, Hansotia and the team of Gurkha Soldiers based out of South Florida are poised and ready for the future bringing the newest additions of Ghost, 125th Anniversary Special Edition, and Cellar Reserve Limitada to the front lines this year.
Additionally, Gurkha Cigar Group relocated last year to a brand new headquarters fit for a king. Taking a single building with four walls, Kaizad Hansotia transformed the new facility into a palace filled with marble, stones, rare woods embellished with a gold dusted finish, and a hidden blending room. There's even a private smoking lounge and full top shelf bar upstairs for entertaining! Three state of the art walk-through humidors measuring up as the largest in the world, a full warehouse, and top of the line air filtration cap the list of features included in the new office space. There is no better venue like it, and no better place to continue growing into the future.
Stability, Growth, and Continued Success are the goals that Gurkha Cigar Group reaches for each day. A fresh business model, consistent and new blends, and a new headquarter location are just a few ways in which the Gurkha team pushes to achieve these goals. "Gurkha is a lifestyle. People who smoke Gurkha cigars are not only smoking the very best, but they are making a statement of status," declares Kaizad Hansotia.
With a steady continued growth over the past three years, Kaizad Hansotia recently sought to introduce a more economical line of cigars into his mix. It hasn't been easy for Gurkha Cigar Group, but it has always been a clear vision aimed at success. With every leap of growth, Gurkha Cigar Group has had to take a half step back before tumbling forward even further. Pushing into the field a force of soldiers ready to take on the world, the company grew quickly only to struggle with heightened demands and physical inventory. Now, the company has taken a grasp on the situation and has decided to continue its growth while focusing on customer relations, satisfaction, and service as well as allowing its inventory to catch up to its success.
This past month Cigar Aficionado rated the 125th XO with a 92, the highest rating for any of the other "Grandes" in its category. Limited Edition Cigars such as the Cellar Reserve (limited to 10,000 boxes produced annually) sold out in less than one week this year after Cigar Journal rated it a 97. In addition, Gurkha continues to blend the world's rarest and most expensive cigar in the HMR (His Majesty's Reserve) with a value over $20,000.00 per box. With accolades such as these already in the bank, Hansotia and the team of Gurkha Soldiers based out of South Florida are poised and ready for the future bringing the newest additions of Ghost, 125th Anniversary Special Edition, and Cellar Reserve Limitada to the front lines this year.
Stability, Growth, and Continued Success are the goals that Gurkha Cigar Group reaches for each day. A fresh business model, consistent and new blends, and a new headquarter location are just a few ways in which the Gurkha team pushes to achieve these goals. "Gurkha is a lifestyle. People who smoke Gurkha cigars are not only smoking the very best, but they are making a statement of status," declares Kaizad Hansotia.