From time immemorial, cigars have been correlated with
power and class, and we can credit this to the famous personalities who have
appreciated cigars. Whenever people catch the sight of a cigar, the picture of
public figures like John F. Kennedy and Winston Churchill or Great
intellectuals like Steve Florio and Mark Twain springs to their mind.
At the
present time, there are also a number of modern-day luminaries who are fond of
cigars and enjoy one from time to time. If you are new to the world of cigars,
then I recommend you make a start with an acids cigar sampler
before initiate to set the ball rolling with the cigars that are smoked by the
big shots. Now let us see some of the celebs who have a liking for cigars
before you buy one from a Tobacco Store online:
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Now this famous superstar and
ex-governor has a thing about cigars. He just adores smoking cigars.
Whoopi Goldberg: Probably you won’t believe that
Whoopi loves cigars. But it’s a fact that this famous host of a talk show and
Oscar nominated star likes to relax with Cohiba Cigars.
Michael Jordan: This Chicago Bulls basketball
athlete is one player who doesn’t mind smoking his favorite cigar openly. After
scoring high in his sport, he does deserve one, doesn’t he?