There isn’t any
shortage of cigar lounges if we talk in real. Some of the basic parameters a
place requires to be acclaimed as a perfect cigar lounge can be as follows:
1. A good lounge has undoubtedly good selection of cigars, ranging
from main brands like Davidoff Demi Tasse and CAO Cigars to some of less known
and smoked like Balmoral Cigars and Dannemann Cigars. And the smokers out there
are able to differentiate them too.
2. Also, having a quick knowledgeable staff thatis familiar to
almost all the brands, can healthily edify, propose and entertain smokers
around with apt pairings. A true cigar lover would be able to convey full
details of different cigars at any point of time, as well as food and drinks.
3. Nowadays, theme base places have come up redefining the cigar
lounge, by integrating suitable sitting arrangement and providing drinks and
food.It’sall about occurrence rather than just cigar smoking.Cigars can be
bought at a cigars shop is a royal experience, something that we light up and
feel luxurious about it.Music either loud or soft at some cigar lounge catches
up the smokers with great delight.
4. Ideal storage conditions are must for a cigar lounge. The
humidor where the cigars are stored the air has to cool enough, so that the
cigars are not affected by it. A digital hygrometer can be used for this
purpose. If the cigar lounge doesn’t go with this, the cigars might get
affected and taste quite different from the usual one.
One must surely get
these things set in mind before setting a cigar lounge for perfect enjoyment of
cigar smoking.