The Montecristo Cigar is now available at the cigar store in the United States. These cigars are specially hand made at the
Tabacelera de Garcia factory in the Dominican Republic. The best thing is that
these cigars are available in a range of premium blends.
The Monte is available in three sizes, the Monte which is
6x60, the Jacopo No. 2 which is 6 1/8x54, and the Conde which is 5
1/2 x48. The Monte cigars come packaged in eye-catching designed boxes
containing 16 sticks per box. These cigars are handmade with an Ecuadorian
Habano wrapper, a double binder of Dominican Olor and Vintage Nicaraguan, and
well-aged Dominican filler tobacco. The double binder and well-aged Dominican
filler in this stick makes the Monte an unforgettable cigar. The
Monte is the most robust cigar from Montecristo so far, offering the smoker a
complex, spicy and flavorful smoking experience.
The Monte is actually the 4th spin off of the Montecristo
brand. Over the past few years, Altadis has released Montecristo Epic as well
as several other unique, limited edition regional cigars with unique blends for
Texas, Las Vegas, Chicago and New York. Montecristo is one of the most iconic
cigar brands on the cigar market. The high quality reputation of Montecristo
cigars makes them extremely popular and sought after by many cigar
connoisseurs. The ability for the Montecristo line to come out with so many
different premium blends and flavors, like the Monte, is what keeps Montecristo
cigars among the most popular cigars in the world.
Various cigar stores offer customers one of the country's
largest and freshest selections of premium cigars such as the Ohm bundle cigars, Machine Made Cigars,
Filtered Cigars and Humidors. Gotham Cigars has received five-star ratings by
the most trusted online comparison websites for its huge selection, fast
shipping and great customer service; Gotham Cigars has become a favored
destination for buying cigars and accessories online in the US. All of their
products have been thoroughly inspected by their manufacturers prior to
arriving at the facility to ensure the highest quality for their customers.