A Cigars Shop
located in the city of Danbury, Connecticut, USA is offering Special cigar deals. This
cigar store that commenced in summer is all set to host a special cigar event.
The highlight of the event will be the drinks, food and special cigar deals on some
of the cigars like the Montecristo Cigars and others according to the
manager of the store.
The specials for Rocky Patel Cigars will be as follows, according to the
Buy 3 Patel Cigars and you get 1 Patel Cigar free.
Buy a Box of Patel Cigars and you get a choice of 5 Patel
Cigars and an Ostrich Leather Cigar Holder or 8 Patel Cigars
Buy 2 Boxes of Patel Cigars and you get a choice of 10 Patel
Cigars and a Patel Ashtray or BBQ set or 20 Patel Cigars free.
Buy 3 Boxes of Patel Cigars and you get a choice of 10 Patel
Cigars, an Ostrich Leather Cigar Holder and a Humidor or 35 Patel
Cigars free.
Customers won’t find cigarettes or
chewing tobacco in Cigar Republic, owner Anthony Scipioni said previously, but if they’re looking
for a cigar, they’ll find one they like.
The lounge creates "a place
where people could relax and slow down, get off the smart phone and leave your
worries at work and a place for people to release before they go home or on
lunch breaks,” Scipioni said previously.
“Ecuador is growing the best
Connecticut wrapper in the world, [a leaf] that originally came from
Connecticut, and is the most popular wrapper in the world,” Scipioni said