Tobacco is enjoyed in various ways by the smokers depending on the taste and style of the smoker. Cigar smoking is favored method of understanding aromas of tobacco and sometimes also enjoying smoke from the pipe. Smoking a tobacco cigar and pipes although being alike in many aspects differ from each other in few ways.
Some of which are listed below as:
Smokers smoking cigars acquired from online cigar stores such as nub cigars, joya de Nicaragua cigars, etc. in their daily routine would easily find that pipe smoking is more enjoyable than cigar smoking and also has more varieties than cigars. Cigars with different wrappers and tobacco blends are the basic of flavored cigars. There is huge variety in flavors and types of pipes as compared to cigars.
Smoking cigar is quite easy as it requires only shaping of tip, lightning it up and smoking in the way you want. While in case of pipes packing it properly and lightning it, you must also learn how to use it properly to enjoy it fully. You must also find out from the different tobacco which will suit and work finest with your pipe tobacco to enjoy great combination.