Anything that has good odor is always liked by the people and same goes in smoking cigars and cigarettes. Cigars having good aroma such as Montecristo Cigars plays its role in enjoying cigar smoking. Smokers sometimes changes their brand when awful aroma gets into their head, but when right thing gets focused on along with the taste smokers go crazy with their cigars.
Most of the cigar manufacturers producing some of the best brands have taken this thing in notice which enhances their sale to quite an extent. The cigar wrapper plays an important role in this. The tang of the cigars ranges from sweet to heavy flavors. The quality of a cigar wrapper depends on various uniqueness such as cured, blend and aged. That cigar which does not have such uniqueness definitely gets ruled out in the race of amazing cigars.
Some of the cigars with best aroma are Acid Cigars and flavored cigars which are known for their hearty fragrance. Its acidic smells from the herbals and other medicinal used makes it unique. For perfect smoking enjoyment, one needs to pay concentration on the aroma of the cigars he is smoking.